Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Neuro Linquistic Programming - Beliefs about GMing

Reading a book on NLP this morning, and realized that the beliefs that I don't like ATM really focus around GMing. 

I don't have a good imagination.  
I can't describe my game world well.  
I'm not confident that I can think on my feet.  
My players will not engage with the game as presented.  
As the GM, I'll miss some rule or situation! 

Maybe this all comes down to my confidence about how well I can do things (not good enough!), and my expectations (low!) of others.

The book said that you can evaluate beliefs with these table titles:

Belief - Empowering? - Restricting? - Source - Intention - Change

Here are some example beliefs that I may want to use to replace those above:
I can exceed my own expectations.  
My words can paint a picture.  
"Yes, and..." saves my life as a GM.  
Doing the best you can is fine.  
Continual improvement is possible.  


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