Thursday, September 12, 2019

Lahuric Outline

Think in terms of places the PCs might go, people or
creatures they might interact with, and events that
might occur.

PCs are entering "big" city, on the edge of the Beyond. 

  • City Name is Lahuric (P197).  City is known for the Million Gods of the Challifani (a gory religion), streets paved in small pieces of volcanic glass and grey stone buildings, and the Dirt Sifters
  • City Guard (3) [name] is trying to keep out the Dirt Sifters.
  • Places
    • Market
    • Place - Inn:
      • Synth Goblet - (+++) Serves Boiled Pork and Wei Cheese (today)
      • Dargon's Home - (++) A house, with the back room converted into a sitting area.  Serves Vegetable Stew (today).
      • Twinning Spirril - (+) Rough and rowdy place where fishermen drink their cares away.  
      • Rumors: Trade routes across the beyond getting more dangerous; Dancing lights in the northern sky; Disappearance of a fisherman in the night; Thalrimalles is possessed!
  • People
    • Priest-King Thalrimalles (6), (10) for intimidation
    • Ghallifani adherrants (2)
    • Food and Sundries Seller (2)
    • Shopper (2)
    • City Guard (3)
    • Smooth Innkeeper (3)
    • Grizzled Innkeeper (5)
    • Trader (4) leading caravan of  Aneen (3) drivers toward Picalah (p189) to get Dust.
    • Con Artist (2)
    • Pick Pocket (1), stealth at (3)
  • Hooks
    • Advertisement for wealth and status for hard work.  Leads to FREAK trial. 
    • Helpful stranger offering a place to stay.  
    • Rumor of disappeared dockworker.  Leads to a apothecary who is murdering people to feed his Laak (2) nest.  
    • Rumor of Thalrimalles posession; hidden doorway; Discover the giant brain-creature in the hidden cavern beneath the city, that control the Challifani. 
    • Rumor of trade route danger - join caravan heading toward Picalah

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