Tuesday, September 17, 2019


1 Session

Turn head to her name x1) - still working
Come (Not approached today) - She's definitely coming.  Could be that she's just returning to me when I through food away.  
Sit Pretty x1.  Using 2 paws to pat my fingers.  .
Zen - Really trying to mug for treats.  :(  Had to train this one with wet food. 
Lay Down x2 - Rewarding her from laying down, as first step in teaching her to let me clip her nails. 
Petting body, down to upper thigh (toward clipping nails) - Had to pet at thigh on back legs.  She wasn't happy with that.  But she's really good on her front feet already. 

Had to switch tricks several times, as she gets bored easily. 


Next: Other intonation versions of "Jazz", Spot she can sit in (Bell she can push?) if she wants attention. Sit wherever she is, rather than walking over to me then sitting. 

Future: Touching her paws (toward clipping her nails)

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