Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Description Practice - Miflark (Town)

A conglomeration of mud huts, each barely tall enough for a person to stand in.  Inside each you can glimpse a bowl in the center of a each main room.  At night, each building had glowing light spilling out of cracks in the door jams. 

Rumor: The people keep narjed (1), a grub-like reptile which, when fed, provide a bright glow and warmth.  They only feed on the discarded chitin of scutimorphs (3). 

There is a large brick building in the center of town.  It is a gathering place for folks who want to vent their anger, and is the main draw of this town.  If you walk in, and scream in rage, you get a feeling of great relief.  Some have whispered that you can get accustomed to it, and begin to crave the rush of having your anger assuaged....

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