Friday, November 15, 2019

Weight, Slim by Design, Power of Habit

First, I put the scale that I use away.  I moved it from the bathroom floor to under the bathroom sink.  I think that's healthier for me, to slow my focus on my weight.

I also brought my balancing apes to work, and put them up on the snack counter.  When I look over there several times a day, I see the balancing apes rather than the bagels behind them.  I can also use them as a distraction when walking past.  I also like that others in the office can change them up, and sometimes I get surprised by new configurations of the apes.

I'm considering advocating for smaller plates at home. We're talking about replacing our current dishes with Correll ware, which is much lighter.  I glanced at one of their most popular styles and found them to be 10.25" for the dinner plates.  We have 11" plates at home, so that's an improvement.  I'd like to find Correll dinner plates which are under 10", if possible.

I had a small bowl of cereal for breakfast yesterday because I woke up at the normal time hungry, and I normally don't eat until lunch time.  I think this caused yesterday to be a much more balanced eating day for me than in the past.  3 smaller meals, spread over the course of the day, rather than 2 big meals and a couple small snacks.

I'm going to return the Power of Habit and the Slim by Design to the library.  They both have simple rules.  With habits, you need to follow a 4-step process to change habits, which I talked about in a previous post.  With Slim by Design, you have to use the "CAN" system.  Make that which you want Convenient, Attractive and Normal.  And the opposite for anything you don't want.  Good things easier, bad things more difficult.  Never say no.  That way leads to workarounds. 

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