Tuesday, November 5, 2019

11/5 - Session catchup

Many Sessions

Lay down in front of me - getting to be that this can be a problem.  I want her to do this last.  I need to put this on cue, so she doesn't get to the point of coming over and flopping onto her side.

Let me handle her paws - this is going well.  I can touch her paws now - all 4.  And she lets me hold her front 2.  But she sometimes pulls back when I grab her back paws (meaning I'm going too fast).

Come when called - definitely working out well, especially when I pay attention to the intonation I'm using to call her.  

*NEW* I'm trying to get her to jump through my arms.  I can often get her to walk over my arm when it is flat on the ground, and even step over it when it is hovering several inches off the ground, but I haven't been able to move to her jumping through.  I know she can do it - she has the athletic skills - but most of the time she doesn't want to spend the energy.  I need something more enticing a reward.

New issue - she's coming to the door and meowing very early in the morning.  Today it was 5:45AM.  this is ok, I guess, because I want to wake up early to start exercising more, but I also want to be able to get my sleep.  I'm not sure if this started when I started sleeping upstairs, when I started going to bed earlier, or if it was going on before.  But before, it certainly wasn't waking Turtle, because we were in the basement. 

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