Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Power of Habit - Prescription for Changing Habit

Power of Habit

The habit loop is very simple.  It is Cue > Routine > Reward (circular). 

The cue is what tells your mind it is time to activate the habit. 

The routine is the automatic response that you're doing when the habit is triggered. 

The rewards is the benefit you get from executing the habit. 

The way to change the habit is to keep the same cue and reward, but change the routine. 

To change the habit, you need to follow these steps:

1. Identify the Routine
    • Likely the most obvious step.
    • "Behavior you want to change."
2. Experiment with Rewards.
  •  When feel the urge to do the behavior, try something else.  
  • No pressure to make a change or adjustment - Collect data.
  • Test different hypothesis that may also satisfy a craving.  
  • Each time you attempt an alternate routine, do the following:
    • Write down 3 things that are going on now.  
    • Set a 15 minute timer.  
    • Reflect after timer is over whether you still have the craving to do your routine. 
3. Isolate the Cue.
  • Almost all habitual cues fall into one of five categories: Location, Time, Emotional State, Other People, Immediately Preceding Action.  
  •  Answer these questions each time the urge hits:
    • Where are you?
    • What time is it?
    • What's your emotional State?
    • Who else is around?
    • What action preceded the urge?
4. Have a Plan.
  • Write it down.  
  • Use a format that includes the cue and what you will plan to do.  
  • Keep at it and it will change.  
  • If you fall off the wagon, that's OK, as long as you keep trying. 

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