Thursday, November 21, 2019

Slim by Design Work Discussion

I talked to a person from HR yesterday about the Slim By Design book, and what it could mean here at our building to help make people less likely to consume too many calories. 

He was receptive to it, but is still not in a position to make changes himself.  After talking with him, the immediate outcomes was that he would bring it to his manager sometime soon.  Likely very soon, I'd guess, because he is an overweight gentleman and loves the idea of redesigning our workspace to help him keep weight off. 

He also suggested that I meet with our building's safety coordinator.  I guess she is someone who would be good to talk to about changing the layout of the building, but I don't know how much overlap her role has with employee health.  She's also thin, so may not be as amenable to this, and already has a full workload, I'm sure, with the other safety things she has going on.  

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