Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Short Adventure 1 - Find me a tentacle!

A Numenera dungeon.  Can be entered by anyone who finds a "Mirror Ball." Wants to bring back a a tentacle from a hoarding jungle dweller. 

As you move around the dungeon, a thin red line, originating from your body, floats in the air behind you, slowly fading.  (Oldest line takes 1 hour to fade to nothing)

  • Chirog Family (4), Climbs as 7. p. 235 Core Book.
  • Gazer (1) Perception at 5, Speed Defense 2.  p56 Bestiary
  • Chance Moth (1).  p30, Bestiary
  • Llaric Scropion (5), Climb as 6, Perception as 7.  p76 Bestiary
  • Quotien (7), p103 Bestiary
  • (Boss) Golu (5) with baby golu spawn (1).  Swarm join can attack for 3 total.  Floating mushroom top, with tentacles dangling.  Tentacles generate different energies - heat, electricity, light,  radiation, inert.  Those in its presence take 1 each turn in combat, or 1 step on the damage track each hour it is carried, due to radiation poisoning.  Golu will float away, at slow speed, upwards. 

Weird Room Descriptions:
  • (Entrance) Behind you, a reflective sphere that ripples as things enter/leave its surface.  The room's walls have the shape on the outside of stacked bubbles.  There is one square portal on the floor (to room __) and two that are several meters off the floor.
  • A pool of milky-white liquid that, if drunk, will turn the drinker red for 1 hour.  
  • V-shaped room, with the point at the bottom, where you can walk.  Toward the top are posts sticking horizontally out of the wall.  
  • An octagonal hallway with treads on the floor and each wall.  
  • A dead wooden "tree" that emits gentle chimes when a breeze floats past.  
  • A vast room - the far walls can't be seen - with a ceiling that barely tops 2 meters.  What can only be described as a gash opens one wall to darkness, and jungle growth has long pushed its way inside.   
  • "The passage ends in a ‘T’. The right looks well-travelled and the corridor is unremarkable. The left looks untouched, smells faintly of cinnamon, and there’s a mysterious orange glow that can barely be seen at the end. Which way to do you go?" The left passage leads to the red herring.
  • Piles of blinking, clicking, whirring machinery, being constantly rearranged by tiny flying squid-like tentacle monsters.
  • A haunting, fluting sound drifts from a distance.  Intellect defense roll.  (5)

Story Hook: I need a tentacle from a jungle monster (Golu) to power my newest device.  I've heard you can find one through a Mirror Ball.  They appear randomly, but are generally too small. Rumor has it that Miliar has cobbled together a machine to draw them together and fuse them into a workable gateway. 
  1. Entrance/Guardian: Find and convince Miliar (4, 5 with Numenera) to activate a numenera that attracts spheres and coalesces at the point of an antenna. 
  2. Puzzle/Roleplay Challenge: "Control" (3).  Incorporeal Voice that can control the environment.  Can be reasoned with. Wants to be free.  Provides access to the rest of the facility and long distance transport options. 
  3. Red Herring: Quotien (7), who will answer one question in exchange for a children's tale. Can provide you with a device that clicks the closer it gets to the Golu lair. 
  4. Climax/Big Battle or Conflict: Kill/Capture Golu parent.
  5. Plot Twist: Damage track begins to harm the PCs as they begin to make their way out. 

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