Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Nero the Sailor - 5


 Write 5 paragraphs on a crew member that nero doesn't get along with.


Despite his positive experiences with most of the crew, Nero couldn't help but feel uneasy around one member in particular - a man named Rodrigo. Rodrigo was a surly, aggressive crew member who seemed to take pleasure in picking fights with others. Nero had seen Rodrigo bully other crew members, and had heard rumors of him stealing from the ship's stores.

Nero tried to keep his distance from Rodrigo, but it seemed that the man had taken a particular dislike to him. Rodrigo would often make snide remarks and jabs at Nero, mocking him for his missing eye and his lack of experience at sea. Nero tried to ignore these taunts, but he found that they began to wear on him over time.

One day, Nero witnessed Rodrigo lashing out at another crew member, accusing him of stealing a bottle of rum from the stores. The crew member protested his innocence, but Rodrigo grew more and more belligerent, pushing the man up against the side of the ship. Nero knew that he had to intervene before things got out of hand.

Nero stepped forward, putting himself between Rodrigo and the other crew member. He told Rodrigo to back off, to stop bullying his fellow crew member. Rodrigo sneered at him, calling him a weakling and a coward. Nero felt a surge of anger and frustration, but he tried to keep his voice calm and measured.

From that day forward, Nero tried to avoid Rodrigo as much as possible. He knew that the man was dangerous, and he didn't want to put himself or any of the other crew members in harm's way. But he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease whenever he saw Rodrigo lurking around the ship, watching him with a malevolent gaze.

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